How Do Medication Errors Occur?

A bottle of pills tipped on its side Medication errors are a serious and often preventable issue that can profoundly affect patients’ health and well-being. At Johnson & Biscone, our attorneys have over 90 years of combined experience handling complex medical malpractice cases.

Understanding the causes of medication errors is crucial for patients and their families, especially those considering filing a lawsuit.

What Are Medication Errors?

Medication errors can take many forms, and even minor mistakes can lead to severe consequences. Common types of medication errors include:

  • Giving a patient the wrong medication
  • Administering an incorrect dosage
  • Delivering the medication in the wrong way (e.g., oral vs. intravenous (IVs))
  • Mislabeled bottles or packaging mistakes 

These errors can occur at any point — from the doctor’s initial prescription to when a nurse administers the drug.

How Do Medication Errors Happen?

Medication errors often occur due to a breakdown in communication or inadequate procedures within healthcare settings. Some common causes include:

  • Communication Failures: A doctor may prescribe a drug but fail to communicate the proper dosage to the pharmacy, or a nurse may misunderstand the instructions for administering the medication.
  • Failure to Review Medical History: Skipping a review of a patient’s medical history can lead to harmful drug interactions or allergic reactions.
  • Inadequate Labeling or Packaging: If a medication is not clearly labeled, the patient is more likely to receive the wrong drug.
  • Provider Fatigue or Overwork: Healthcare providers who are overworked or fatigued are more prone to lapses in concentration and mistakes.

Who Is Responsible for Medication Errors?

Responsibility for medication errors can fall on various parties, including:

  • Doctors: Prescribing the wrong medication or dosage
  • Nurses: Administering medication incorrectly
  • Pharmacists: Dispensing the incorrect drug
  • Hospitals or Clinics: Systemic issues like understaffing or poor training

The liable party depends on where and how the error occurred. An experienced attorney can help you identify who is responsible and build a strong case on your behalf.

Find Out if You Have a Medication Error Case in Oklahoma City

Medication error cases are complex, but you don’t have to navigate them alone. At Johnson & Biscone, we understand the intricacies of these cases and are committed to helping you seek justice.

Do you believe you’ve been affected by a medication error? Contact Johnson & Biscone today to schedule a free, no-obligation case review. Call us at 405-232-6490 or fill out our online form.

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